Wildflower's Shipping Container School!
What could be cooler than a shipping container school?! Make that THREE shipping containers, welded together to create a 1800 square foot space with windows, windows, windows! My partner, Kevin, and I poured through hundreds of magazines and perused even more websites searching for the perfect design for Wildflower. We clipped and pasted and rearranged. We then handed our ideas to our designer, who created what you see below. North Carolina's first ever shipping container preschool and kindergarten!
The central space in the school, our Piazza, is a community gathering place, classroom, dining hall, art gallery and anything else the children can think of! Our full kitchen allows lots of flexibility for staff and students! Other spaces include a parent lounge with coffee maker and comfy chairs, a light room, library and more. Other spaces throughout the farm will include a MakerSpace and Art Studio. Of course, our pastures filled with goats, chickens, bunnies, alpacas and more will be integral to the school day.